Nissan’s Self-Driving Car

Nissan’s Self-Driving Car

Nissan has been working to create a self-driving or an autonomous car. Nissan has made the technological advancements to make a self-driving vehicle into a reality.It may seem like a thing from sci-fi movie, but these vehicles could be available sometime in the near future. The Japanese auto maker is hoping to have these autonomous cars on the road by 2020.

Nissan has worked with many prestigious universities (MIT, Standford, Oxford, Carnegie Mellon and the University of Tokyo) from across the globe to make an autonomous car a reality. The universities and Nissan have combined for nearly 80 years of research time to make this possible.

The prototype cars are outfitted with Autonomous Drive technology. This technology can operate the car’s steering, braking and acceleration. Autonomous Drive technology can also detect the road conditions and make changes and adjustments to them. The prototype vehicles can also operate automatically on highways. They can merge with traffic, move past traffic and keep a safe distance from other vehicles.